Строительство электрокабеля на Уокинг-стрит отложено, предложение изменено


A plan to move overhead electrical cables underground on Walking Street which would take months and cause substantial digging and construction work was delayed due to a new proposal.

The Pattaya News originally spoke about this proposal earlier this summer during the Covid-19 lockdown period. Small portions of work have already been completed near the Bali Hai portion of Walking Street.

However, business owners on Walking Street, already reeling from months of closures and now international borders being closed to inbound tourists expressed concern with doing the project in its current form at this time to City Hall.

Therefore, Mr. Kitisak Sriwongchai, a Deputy of Pattaya City, told local press yesterday a new plan has been proposed and the previous one delayed.

Walking Street has also recently reopened to traffic and is working on creating street markets and attracting domestic Thai tourists.

The new plan is expected to cause less construction problems and digging as well as potential business related issues to Walking Street business owners. However, it is unclear exactly when the new proposal will take place as the city states they understand the pain business owners are going through currently and don’t want to inconvenience them further.

The adapted proposal will be submitted to the Mayor and the rest of City Hall in the near future.

Адам Джадд
Г-н Адам Джадд является совладельцем TPN Media с декабря 2017 года. Он родом из Вашингтона, округ Колумбия, Америка, но также жил в Далласе, Сарасоте и Портсмуте. Его опыт работы связан с розничными продажами, управлением персоналом и управлением операциями, и он много лет писал о новостях и Таиланде. Он прожил в Паттайе более девяти лет в качестве постоянного жителя, хорошо известен на местном уровне и посещал страну в качестве постоянного гостя более десяти лет. Его полную контактную информацию, включая контактную информацию офиса, можно найти на нашей странице «Контакты» ниже. Истории, пожалуйста, по электронной почте Editor@ThePattayanews.com О нас: https://thepattayanews.com/about-us/ Свяжитесь с нами: https://thepattayanews.com/contact-us/